Beyond Bloodlines, 2019
Beyond Bloodlines is a a publication about queerness, family and kinship.
In November of 2018 we held the first night of a two part gathering at YBCA focusing on queerness, family and kinship. That night we launched our call for submissions for a zine featuring a wide range of queer voices sharing stories and visions around these themes. We were also moved and inspired by Johanna Breiding’s Magic Hour, a video that explores love, intimacy, loss and queer family.
It’s now three months later and we are blown away by the perspectives, experiences, and imagination that came our way in the form of submissions. We are thrilled to celebrate the release of this zine with the Salinas Latinx Queer Film fest who truly embody what queer community and kinship can look like.
We are grateful to our wonderful designer Tin Dinh who work so tirelessly to materialize this publication for us, for you.
Our hope is that you sit or lay or roll around and read it as you think about your own relationship with kinship and family, blood or beyond. We knew we needed to create something that could be held in our hands.
Right now it feels like we all could use something to hold on to.
Marcela Pardo Ariza & Irwin Swirnoff